There will be two 3-week sessions offered as follows:
Session 1: 6/12-6/30, 9:00am - 4:30pm
Session 2: 7/10-7/28, 9:00am - 4:30pm
The summer sessions will be held at the Quail Hollow campus. Transportation will be provided for students from the BCE and SLVE sites to the Quail Hollow Campus.
If you would like to register your student, please fill out the following enrollment form:
Enrollment Information - English
Enrollment Information - Spanish
The deadline for submitting registration requests is May 26, 2023. Completed applications can be submitted to Lisa Mansfield at the SLV District Office at [email protected] or by mail (325 Marion Avenue, Ben Lomond, CA 95005) or dropped off at your students' school office.
Boys and Girls Club Job Opportunity:
To all of the para-educators, substitutes, and SLV family community, we'd love to welcome some new staffers to our team for this camp. If you are interested, please check this out: