Ms. Lisa Muirhead, BCE Teacher
Ms. Chappell, Director of HR, nominated Ms. Lisa Muirhead and read the nomination form as follows, “Lisa is the educator who reaches both the minds and hearts of her students. She has many former students who come back to visit her because of the positive impact she had on them. Lisa is responsible for bringing the Workshop model to the elementary schools and has fervently supported her colleagues in the implementation of both Reading and Writing workshop. She is a leader who leads by example. Lisa is welcoming to all and works diligently to reach and meet all students where they are and move them forward. She has conducted after-school groups to address behavioral needs of students on her own time.”
Ms. Chappell recognized and welcomed a couple of alumni that had come to celebrate Ms. Muirhead's recognition and concluded, "Lisa is a teacher that leaves an everlasting impression on students and staff."
Dr. Bruton, Superintendent, added, "When I visit classes, I typically only intend to stay for a few minutes, this is not always possible in this class as I am so interested in what is happening that before I know it, twenty minutes has passed by. Of course it is Ms. Muirhead's class that I speak of."
Ms. Lisa Muirhead, BCE Teacher, and Ms. Lynn Chappell, HR Director
Ms. Lisa Muirhead with the BCE Gang!
Mr. Jeff Kitts, IT Director
Ms. Rachel Ogilvie, Computer Resource Specialist
Mr. Paul Owens, Computer Resource Specialist
Mr. Schiermeyer, Deputy Superintendent, nominated the IT Department and read the nomination form as follows, “The IT Department has been integral in supporting our District’s Instructional Program. From upgrading our broadband internet services/access points to supporting teachers with Chromebooks carts, to TV installations for Apple TV to curriculum updates to support student and teacher log-ins. In addition, they supported the implementation of our new VOIP (phone, horn and clocks) system throughout the District. They also supported upgrades to District websites and other technology needs on a daily basis.”
Dr. Bruton, Superintendent, added, "We are always grateful for the IT Department and how they are ready to assist us with our technology issues at any time."
From left to right: Mr. Chris Schiermeyer, Deputy Superintendent, Mr. Paul Owens, Mr. Jeff Kitts, and Ms. Rachel Ogilvie.
The IT Department with the Board of Trustees