We are Grateful for the SLVUSD Staff

It is Monday, November 18th and the District Office staff are busy assembling Thanksgiving Trays for the sites and departments of the District. The goodies are carefully piled onto their assigned trays and then wrapped with plastic wrap and finished with a bow!
The Thanksgiving Trays are accompanied with the District Office Halloween picture that is made into a Thanksgiving Card for each site and department. These items are then delivered to each office with a song that was created years ago to celebrate this tradition. The staff members that deliver are required to sing as they deliver the sweet treats!
Thanksgiving Trays Assembled by D.O. Staff
SLVUSD has incredible staff and we want to say how thankful we are for them! This is just one of the ways in which we can give back!
Source: Vickie Bergquist, Exec. Asst. to Superintendent